How much does today the LG G3, both operators to be free? (March 2015)

In our review of the best terminals of 2014 and how it has changed their price from last year have already seen where the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and Sony Xperia Z3, reached you the turn another

Filtering the calendar of updates to Android 5.0 Lollipop Meizu

Together with Xiaomi, other big Chinese brand that is in the minds of all amateurs is Meizu, much more when you already have a more international character and there is no recourse, if not you will, import

WhatsApp calls are already heading for Windows Phone

It is the function that expect both iOS and Windows Phone with more interest. This morning, again, Android users could activár it each other without problems, but both Apple and Microsoft platform are still to see them

Apple releases a new version of iOS 8.3 tests

IOS development continues. Apple has just released a short while ago the fourth version of iOS 8.3 tests, a firmware that only months ago and a half distributed among developers now can be downloaded and installed by
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